Primary Care Done Right Is A Combination Of Personal Care And Powerful Data

| March 29, 2023

Raegan Le Douaron, President and CEO of WeCare tlc, explains how, when done right, the combination of superior service and outstanding data equals the best possible care that people can receive in an article for Healthcare Business Today.

“Primary care is dying in America. Rising healthcare costs along with the emergence of “doc in the box” and increasing episodic care has killed off the doctor-patient relationship in healthcare. At WeCare tlc, the company’s medical team knows the people they serve, often on a first name basis, and understands what’s needed to keep them physically, mentally and emotionally healthy.

Now, WeCare tlc has a new tool to combine with its commitment to personal, preventative care: enhanced data. Even with a fraction of data, the company’s medical team can utilize the information to drastically improve patient outcomes.”

Click here to read the complete Healthcare Business Today article.