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Frequently Asked Questions

Who is eligible to receive care at a workplace health center?

Employees and dependents identified by the employer as “eligible participants”. These eligible participants are generally those that are covered under the health plan.

Can I have a Health Savings Account (HSA) plan and have a health center onsite?

According to the Society of Professional Benefit Administrators (SPBA), the IRS has stated that on-site health center programs, that are limited to primary care and similar services, are not health plans. As such, the IRS has indicated to the SPBA that specific guidance on this issue is not necessary with regard to HSAs. As with all IRS matters, it is recommended that you consult with a tax advisor in the event of questions regarding the use of an HSA.

How much will the workplace health center cost?

All the actual costs of running a health center are passed through the employer with no markup. Generally, WeCare tlc’s health centers cost an employer about $65-$70 per eligible employee per month (PEPM). These operational costs will vary slightly from month to month. Included in the $65-$70 PEPM total operating cost is our management fee that covers the costs of clinical corporate oversight, centralized infrastructure (like information technologies), lifestyle management, and data warehousing/analytics.

Do you guarantee your ROI?

Yes, we will make performance guarantees on both Healthcare ROI and health center utilization.

Do you recommend using incentives to encourage health center use?

Absolutely. During the implementation process, we will work with you on establishing incentives and disincentives that will most effectively guide your employees to the health center.

What level of participation can we expect in the health center’s first three years?

WeCare tlc will collaborate with the employer’s human resources department to orient employees.

How do you involve new employees in the Health Risk Appraisal (HRA) process?

When employees become eligible for the health center, WeCare tlc will collaborate with Employer’s HR to orient the employee. An HRA should also be included in all new-hire packets.

How many employees does it take to justify a health center?

To have a full time (40 hr/wk) health center will take approximately 1,100 employees.

If your company has less than 1,100 employees, we encourage you to join collaborative health centers. These health centers can be located conveniently for everyone involved, and patients from different employers can be easily tracked so costs are correctly assigned to the proper account.

What services are offered in the health center?

Our health centers are full-service primary care offices anchored by physicians. You would be able to receive any service that would normally receive at your doctor’s office. Please click here to see our standard health center offerings. All services are provided at no cost to the employee or their dependents.

Would I still need to buy health coverage?

Most employers do. The health center provides comprehensive primary care for personal and occupational health issues, but it still makes sense to carry coverage for major medical events.

What are the costs for employees to use the health center?

All services rendered in the health center are at no cost to the employee.

Do you use a doctor or a nurse-led model? Why?

WeCare tlc health centers use a physician-led care model. The goal of this arrangement is to make the health center the medical home for employees and their families, and by doing so provide superior care at lower cost than is typically available through the health plan network.

Who employs the staff? The employer or WeCare tlc?

We carry all necessary liability coverage, including medical malpractice insurance. Our recruiting team places all job openings, pre-screenings, credentialing, etc. The employer is able to choose their level of involvement in the hiring process.

What kind of care will my employees receive in a WeCare tlc health center?

Employees should receive all the same services that they would receive in a regular primary care physician’s office, except the experience will be more personal and will not take the majority of the day.

How do you handle care for kids?

Because the needs of children — and especially very small children — are so different, WeCare tlc only provides convenient care for children 2-10 years old and routine care for children older than 10 years. We believe children under 10 years old should be seen by pediatricians for milestones and other routine care. If the employer provides coverage for a sizable pediatric population, it may be appropriate for WeCare tlc to contract for a part-time pediatrician onsite.

What if the medical team is not available on the day the care is needed?

WeCare tlc will negotiate rates with providers in the employer’s network and encourage patients to visit those facilities when the health center is closed. WeCare tlc can also arrange for telemedicine services at an additional fee.

How do you measure the outcomes and success of the overall program?

Ultimately, the impact on the plan’s claims experience provides the best indicators of the program’s performance. WeCare tlc’s reports track improvements in risk categories, behaviors and overall healthcare spend.

Is WeCare tlc Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) compliant?

WeCare tlc strictly adheres to HIPAA’s privacy and security regulations.