How WeCare tlc is making a difference at LaGrange College and in the local community

| October 14, 2020

WeCare tlc profile: Julie Monteith, Lead RN at Troup County Clinic

All over the country as students begin to return to campus, college officials and community leaders are working in concert to create plans to keep everyone safe. LaGrange College in Georgia is no exception.

One local community member has made it her mission to help college students transition to the new normal as smoothly and safely as possible. Julie Monteith is the Lead RN at WeCare tlc’s Troup County Clinic, which serves Troup County, LaGrange College and several businesses based in the county. At the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, she immediately stepped up and started doing what she does best – informing people how to stay healthy and providing quality care to her patients.

“COVID-19 has certainly been a challenge for our small town, but it’s difficult times like these that remind us how unique LaGrange is. There was no hesitation from our community to come together to create a safety plan and share resources,” said Monteith. “As a long-time healthcare professional in this town, I knew it was my duty to take action. My team at WeCare tlc and I immediately got to work providing health and safety recommendations and personally becoming involved in the conversation.”

Before classes began, LaGrange College created a Health and Safety Committee to offer recommendations and solutions for several areas of concerns that would be faced this fall. Monteith was one of five members on this board and helped the committee develop potential health and safety measures needed to ensure the safety of all students, faculty and staff on campus. Examples include social distancing, mandatory wearing of masks and testing. The committee also worked on establishing ways to limit the interaction of large groups while still maintaining the vibrant atmosphere the college is known for.

In addition to serving on the Health and Safety Committee, Monteith and WeCare tlc are working directly with LaGrange College’s Dean of Students and the local health department to develop a system to track and monitor all students. She completes several check-ins with the dean each week to ensure all students are cared for appropriately.

Monteith was born and raised in the town of LaGrange and has been an active member of its community for years. She began her nursing career in the local hospital’s emergency room and worked there for nearly 20 years. In 2012, Monteith joined WeCare tlc as the Lead RN for the Troup County Clinic and is proud to support the company in its mission to change the way healthcare is delivered across the United States.

“One of my patients once told me, ‘I used to go to the doctor when I was sick, but now I go to stay well.’ I believe this is the perfect embodiment of WeCare tlc,” said Monteith. “LaGrange is my hometown and I have spent many years caring for my fellow community members as a nurse. When WeCare tlc started the Troup County Clinic nearly a decade ago, I saw the positive change it brought to our community and take pride on continuing to provide the crucial, quality primary care people need for a healthy life.”

In addition to its collaboration with LaGrange College, WeCare tlc also worked with a number of organizations to help the Troup County Jail overcome a large COVID-19 outbreak this spring. Since June, the jail has reported zero positive cases.

Along with the Troup County Clinic in LaGrange, WeCare tlc is proud to serve 54 health and wellness centers across the United States. The company believes quality primary care is the key to a healthy life and each of its centers adhere to Bridges of Excellence Standards, the strictest standards in the industry. WeCare tlc is heavily involved in each of the communities it serves and hires knowledgeably locals like Julie Monteith to ensure each member is receiving top-notch care.